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Dr. Maryam is an amazing practitioner in the Ancient Practice of Acupuncture! She treated me for three and a half years and cured me of my symptoms and pains. The bottom line is Dr. Maryam, unlike many people in the healthcare profession, including Medical Doctors who could not heal me. With her skills she treated me and all her patients as if they were her only patient. Anybody with some acupuncture training can stick needles into someone. Dr. Maryam definitely does not treat her patients like they are pincushions. With her vast knowledge and experience in many other areas in the healthcare profession, I trust her skills and knowledge more than most Medical Doctors! As I’ve already indicated, her primary thoughts, when it comes to her patients is to help heal them or guiding them closer to healing. Her bottom line isn’t just making money. In fact, as part of her practice she has even given acupuncture services to her patience.