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Rita is excellent.Rita (program coordinator) will do what is necessary to be certain prospective parents-to-be, donors, or surrogates receive the best care.Rite Options is modern, progressive- swift, but professional. Those approaching Rite Options can expect to receive a supportive, communicative, smoothly-sailing experience.IVF can be an uncertain, incredibly sensitive process. Those considering will wish to have such a remarkable agency in mind!
Rite Options is wonderful!Rita is quick, decisive, as well as advocative- She will advocate for you, from the beginning!I have heard from multiple donors as well as potential parents (and happy parents!) who have nothing but positive sentiments about Rite. The agency is intimately staffed, they work from the first day forward to ascertain professional, caring, customized support.If someone is seeking in vitro, Rite options is my referral - highly recommend!
Went through this agency to have my twins and the owner was excellent!!!! I got pregnant easily and chose a great donor! Love this agency!! The guidance was incredible.